Inspiration from our Blog

Crafting Elegance: Mahogany’s Enduring Legacy in American and British Woodworking

Learn about the history of mahogany, and how it influenced Thomas Chippendale and was used in the Arts and Crafts movement.

New Lease of Life for Doors of Historic Titanic Offices in Southampton

Restoring the Glory of Historic Wood Doors: A Renovation Project at the Titanic Offices in Southampton.

An Insight into Decoration and Styles of the 17th century

Unveiling the Elegance of 17th Century Decoration and Style: An Introduction to Historic Woodwork and Wood Design.

Keeping History Authentic and Alive

Maintaining the Authenticity and Vitality of History: Period Woodwork Restoration and Antique Wood Restoring Tips.

The History of Tudor, Elizabethan and Jacobean Panelling: Restoring and Conserving Antique Woodwork

From Tudor to Jacobean: A Journey through the History of Period Panelling in Luxury Homes.

Crafting Elegance: Mahogany’s Enduring Legacy in American and British Woodworking
The precious wood from tropical rainforests adds value and character to spaces with elegant and long-lasting flooring, doors, cabinets, and trim. Artisans and architects over the centuries have honoured mahogany's...
New Lease of Life for Doors of Historic Titanic Offices in Southampton
Canute Chambers was the location of the White Star Line’s Southampton office and it was here in April 1912 that crowds flocked upon hearing of the new of the sinking...
An Insight into Decoration and Styles of the 17th century
Fine examples of English design in this period are the furnishings from the house of William Crowe, who, as a member of the Company of Spanish Merchants, grew rich through...
Keeping History Authentic and Alive
But I have never lost the love of getting my hands dirty and using the traditional skills I learned as a teenage apprentice to bring a beautiful piece of furniture...
If you’re interested in a consultation with Vincent, please send us your details and we will call you to discuss.

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